

Sunday, March 29, 2009

100 Truths

My favorite flower :) Peonies

Alright so this is kind of a fun way to get to know someone and while compiling this list I started to learn a little something about myself as well.....I give you my '100 Truths'

1. When I was little I had a speech impediment and couldn't pronounce my R's resulted in me having to go to speech therapy

2. I love overcast dark weather aka Thunderstorms, Rain, Wind.

3. My favorite genre of music is Celtic

4. I have had 2 serious near death experiences. Almost got hung ( baby trying to climb out of crib got the blind string wrapped around my throat, mom came in right before I fell out ) and almost drowned in a pool because my little brother was ontop of me.

5. Love homemade jam!

6. Favorite color is Purple, second favorite would be a golden Amber shade.

7. Been in 2 car accidents, 1st one I was thrown out of a moving car into an intersection while the car was making a left hand turn. 2nd I was 15 riding my bike and was hit by a car.

8. I am kinda scared of swimming in the Ocean.... I've only ever walked in. The Caribbean, and Hawaii are the only places I'd consider it cuz the water is so crystal clear.

9. I like dance to relieve stress and to workout!

10. I love to clean.

11. Was diagnosed with ADD as a child and later on was undiagnosed. Turns out I clinically didn't have ADD.

12. I am horrible at math, seriously my brain just doesn't think that way!

13. I love to bake and looking at baking blogs. Also love to giveaway the things I bake to people I love.

14. Armpit hair weirds me out, probably cuz I never grew hair on my armpits.
15. Painted a mural on my bedroom wall of palm trees.

16. My only true regret in life is that I didn't get trained as a dancer. (I've been told by professional dancers that I would have gone very far in it if I had trained. Ex: I made a college dance company with no dance training).

17. I NEVER take naps, its like a phobia for me. If I take a nap it is EXTREMELY rare. I seriously can only recall taking 2 naps in the past 10 years.

18. A dream of mine is to ride an Elephant in Thailand.

19. I sponsored a little girl in India named Rahima Khatoon.

20. I own almost 200 DVDS, two words amazon.com. Kinda embarrassed by this...

21. I dislike talking on the phone to people I don't know that well.

22. I'm not a big fan of Jeans, I hardly wear them.

21. Love seeing old couples holding hands!

22. I didn't have my first kiss until a week after I'd turned 18.

23. Fall is my favorite season.

24. I don't wear necklaces and bracelts. 

25. I love chewing gum but can't do it in public because I'm not a dainty gum chewer.

26. I never notice the shoes someones wearing unless they point them out to me or they are super fashion forward.

27. My guilty pleasure is going thrift shopping with friends or by myself.

28. I have a really good memory when it comes to stories.

29. Favorite movie is A Little Princess.

30. I will have a daughter named Evelyn! Its the top girl name I will fight for. ;)

31. I have never been through a shy stage (according to my mom)

32. Was the lead in my senior high school's winter play (comedy).

33. I always loved History, my older sister and I especially love British history.

34. The sexiest trait a guy can have to me is being "protective".

35. I've had stitches once and staples once, prefer the stitches.

36. I love music they use in films. My top favorite film composers are Hans Zimmer and James Horner!

37 . I love bagpipes!

38. Places I've lived in: Salt Lake City till I was 5, South Jordan from 6 to now, London for 3 months, Logan for 2 years, Kamas Utah for a summer, and Guzhen China for 4 months.

39. Had the a big college spring break! Group of about 200 of us from Utah State went on a 7 day cruise to Mexico.

40. Have 2 brothers, and 2 sisters.

41. My biggest dream is to shake the Prophet's hand.

42. I got to work the Expo Auto Show, and rode in the Transformers Bumblebee car.

43. Family has a share on a houseboat, so been going to Lake Powell every summer since I was about 13.

44. Favorite vacations was always going to hotels or camping when I was little. The hotels were extremely rare, so that was always fun.

45. Secretly liked the reality TV show the Hills.

46. When I first went up to college I was going to major in Broadcast Journalism but quickly realized that wasn't the career field for me, and turned to Psychology.

47. At one time in my life the car I owned brakes were all out but one, and I had no idea.

48. For my senior high school trip I went to New York with a group. Got to see about 4 Broadway plays including a backstage tour of Wicked.

49. First relief society lesson I have ever taught was in London to a group of women from Africa.

50. I love to swim, when I'm in water I completely resort back to being a little kid.

51. I love horseback riding.

52. I love riding on four wheelers, and motorcycles.

53. I have an obsession with elephants. Have stuffed elephant animals, elephant key chains, little elephant statues.

54. Two of my favorite things to do with my dad was riding on his motorcycle, and throwing a softball back and forth in the yard.

55. I am not a fan of spicy food cuz it gives me acid reflux. I don't know if that's TMI haha.

54. Can't eat in the mornings, seriously, I'm only lactose intolerant in the mornings.

55. I will never be the one to order a salad for a meal at a restaurant. Its a SALAD haha.

56. My favorite places to shop is flea markets, garage sales, and the DI because I feels like I'm finding hidden treasure!

57. I love to read and have always been a really fast reader.

58. I love long car drives! I love to go on roadtrips for the drive and the gas station pit stops!

59. Love to travel!

60. Have wanted to own a Lhasa Apso or a Shih Tzu.

61. I own a lot of purses...not shoes...purses.

62. I love Frozen yogurt!

63. I always loved fruit, I seriously would pick fruit over candy when I was a little kid.

64. Yes, I was Vice President of my 5A High school's Drama club. I mainly did it so I could get the school jacket & college applications.

65. I love animals! I was always the kid that would try to get to close to the animals the family would stumble upon in the wild.

66. I like to be alone, in high school I'd spend a weekend doing nothing but staying at home. I don't have to always be doing something or seeing people. Usually my friends are super social so they get me to go to huge functions.

67.  I can't learn phonetics (which means I'm a horrible speller and I can't sound out words). I learn by memorization.

68. Love kids, and if I'm able I would like to adopt.

69. Love the smell of cinnamon.

70. Goal in life is to take my parents to the Holy City (Jerusalem) on a religious tour.

71. I do not consider reptiles or insects as pets! Think it's creepy...

72. I did special needs mutual in high school.

73. Was an Oakcrest girls camp counselor, my name was Bam.

74. I don't like cake so I always have berry pie on my birthdays.

75. When I'm nervous or feel awkward I chip the nail polish off of my nails.

76. Love the sound of morning birds chirping.

77. I am big on face skin care, always have to wash my face everyday.

78. My biggest insecurity growing up was my hair (I have crazy naturally curly thick hair, hard to style cute.)

79. Love having flowers as decor so I have a lot of fake flower bouquets in my room.

80. Love wearing guy big baggy sweaters or shirts more then I do their sweatpants.

81. Biggest fear is that I'm going to be a spinster

82. I always cut my own bangs, and even trim/dye my own hair.

83. Have been told by multiple people that I look like Hilary Duff.... Other celebs I've been told I look like are Wiona Ryder, Keira Knightley (eyes), Olivia Wilde, and Natalie Portman.

84. I love to take my vitamins in gummi form.

85. I am TERRIFIED of shots/needles!!!

86. Love having deep religious discussions with people.

87. Love clean stand up comedy!

88. Love watching dance performances, love So you think you can Dance.

89. Favorite hymn is "If you could Hie to Kolob" especially by violin.

90. Biggest pet peeve is screaming teenagers, the type that scream for attention.

91. I love to give compliments to people and thinks there needs to be more kindness shown by people giving out more compliments to eachother.

92. Favorite places to live besides Utah would be Seattle, Ireland, or England.

93. If I could pick a car to have right now it would be a Mazda 3

94. Have read all of the Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales.

95. I do love pop music

96. I think charm, kindness, humor, and being protective of women, children our the SEXIEST traits a guy could have!

97. I do a teradactyl dinosaur impression.

98. Love watching Disney movies, but I warn you I laugh through it like a little kid.

99. My favorite interior design style is Moroccan & Italian.

100. I love random acts of kindness and random thoughtful deeds. Handwritten letters are such a lost art!


  1. Oh Amber, so you :) It will be lame when I do mine because you know how much you and I are alike. lol But why did I not know about the fact that you gave up red meat?? Only veggie burgers? You go girl!

  2. How fun!! Makes me want to do one on my blog :)
