

Friday, November 8, 2013

Future letter to my Daughter

I had wanted to take the time to pen a future letter for my daughter to read:

Dear Kylie,

I love you SO much! I know that you were meant to come down to our little family when you did. Mom was nervous to be, well, a MOM! I am supposed to magically turn into a mother! In this day and age I'm growing up with technology that shows me these "perfect" moms who do it all. Please don't mind the fact your mom doesn't sew, scrapbook, or craft! Please overlook the fact I don't always wear the stylish clothes. I just am me and that me wants to be the best mom for you!

I want to be your best friend, I do!!! I know people say parents shouldn't be the best friend but I do! I want to play make believe games with you! I want to play dress up with you! I want to go out to get ice cream with you. I want to talk about boys with you! But most importantly I want to talk about the gospel with you. The world will want to take away your innocence. The world will try to make you hard. The world will try to crush your spirit. I need to tell you something important...you are significant!!! You are special! I look in your eyes and I see a daughter of God himself. You came, literally from the courts on high! Can't you feel your spirit within you whispering that you are divine? You are! Please don't feel small!!

You will meet people in this world who have allowed the world to dull their shine and they may even try to dull yours. Do not let them! Do not compromise who you really are. There are enough women in this world you have forgotten who they are and so they have forgotten about Heavenly Father. We must never forget! Please show your light to all who meet you! And find a boy who's light also still shines bright! If he truly knows he's a son of God then you two will have a great life together. :)

I love you little lady of mine!!!!

Your Mother

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