

Friday, March 15, 2013

Being with eachother

Can I begin by saying that I LOVE being with my husband. Seriously could spend every moment of every day with him. As some of you know he does school full-time and works full-time so this has severely cut back on our time together. We are lucky that he usually has an hour break to come home and have lunch with me. But our only date night that he does't work is Wednesday nights which if you knew Russell is the Young Men's president in our ward so he has to be at the young men activities that night at seven. My boss was so sweet and allowed me to get off earlier on Wednesdays so Russell and I could still have some form of a date. This Wednesday we went to Happy Sumo to have some fried sushi (cause that's the only kind you can have while pregnant), and than we went to Menchie's to have some free frozen yogurt due to my birthday. We were loving the weather so much we just decided to stop and take a walk on the Jordan Parkway. I wish we both could have an entire weekend off to go somewhere and just be with each other 24/7.

I see you lucky couples out there that get more time together and all I can say is seriously enjoy it and soak it up! This has caused me to reflect back on when we first got married and had all the time together. Russell owned his own business trimming/pruning/cutting down trees and therefore would work just 2 or 3 days of the week while I was working full-time. I remember feeling jealous at that time that he had more free time and this would put me in a bad mood so that even when I got off work I wasn't the friendliest to hang out with. If I could do it over I'd appreciate the work he was doing and realize that this time was special we had together! I'd completely power off my cell phone when I was off work and just spend that time with him. Eating, talking, having fun, playing games, or just cuddling. I hope that every couple will take this advice and make the most of the time they have together to be together!!!! I realize now how important it is to take advantage of the moments we're in instead of being depressed looking back on the past, or anxious looking towards the future. We need to be present and to LIVE in the moments that we are in. I hope to do this more and be more present and loving!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I have heard the "never see you" stage happens for the first 5-10 years....just depends on how motivated the guy is with finishing school & being in a career- so that BOTH school & work aren't happening.
