

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crazy News and the Hospital

I am 35 weeks and 5 days so far. I have about 30 days left to my official due date on July 27th, 2013. This Tuesday I went in for my regular check-up at the Riverton hospital with my doctor Jane Bowman. Everything was going great but I did tell her I was feeling constant pressure on my bladder now. She said she wanted to check on me down under. About 2 minutes later she is telling Russell and me that I'm 2 cm dilated, and 80% effaced. (In the final weeks of pregnancy, as the lower part of the uterus gets ready for the baby to come out, the cervix starts to get shorter and thinner. This process is called effacement. As the due date nears, the baby's head drops down and the mother’s uterus begins to contract; this, combined with effacement and dilation, can cause pressure and cramp-like pains.) The doctor told me that I could basically have the baby any day now. She told me that if I did go into labor early she would not do anything to stop it. She did give me some instructions on how I was to take it easier to hopefully have her in there longer. Russell and I were just sitting there like.....WHAT? We can have the baby any day now?

The very next day I was just feeling 'off' all day. I just felt nauseous, and just felt tight cramping all day long. Russell and I even went swimming to see if that'd help ease the pains. By night time I called the labor & delivery unit to ask them what they'd suggest I do and was told that I was needing to just come in. Russell and I frantically got our hospital bag together and headed for the hospital, dropping our puppy off along the way at Russell's parents. When we got to the hospital they checked me down under (still was at 2 cm, and 80%). They hooked me up to some machines to hear the baby's heartbeat and to measure the contractions. I had to just lay there for an hour. What was interesting is that Russell would watch the monitor measuring a contraction and I would just be laying there completely oblivious. When the nurse came back in she said I was having contractions every 5-6 min and needed to check to see if I'd dilated more. After inspection she found I was still just at 2 cm. The nurse said that I needed to basically put myself on bed rest. She also told me no vacuuming or lifting anything that is heavier then a milk jug. The doctor told her I was fine to go home but they did offer me a morphine shot (which I refused cause I honestly wasn't feeling any of the contractions). So now I am laying down in bed most of the day and fighting the urge to clean or run errands. We're just praying that Kylie will be healthy and fine whenever she decides to make her appearance.

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