

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

One month older and wiser too

it's hard to describe a typical day in the life of Kylie. it is full of such spirit. she'll wake up just talking in her crib with a big ole' grin on her face. she is the most talkative baby I've personally ever been around. can't say I'm that surprised as most people know how much I love to just sit around talking. she is turning 7 months old on the seventeenth of this month, which also happens to be our two year anniversary.  we can tell that she's going to go at her own pace when it comes to this sitting up, crawling business. (she can sit up by herself for 4 minute stretches here and there). she loves a car ride and usually is lulled to sleep by the motion of the car. I love this fact so I don't feel as awful dragging her from place to place throughout our busy days. what I think is funny is that she still holds her breath instead of just letting her giggles out but I still adore seeing that big toothless grin. pretending to nibble her sides is usually the closet you can get to getting her to giggle. i want to always remember these things and hope writing this will help me with that. i love and adore this baby girl of mine.

I love being a mom with all of its complexities. It honestly is the most selfless thing you can do as a woman. I'm still adjusting to this fact, but I wouldn't trade any of my old alone time I used to have before Kylie. i have been trying to stay physically active as much as possible. it's not easy to get up the motivation to work out when your usually home all day with the babes but I know it's something that will make me feel better in the long run. my go to workout at home vids are Tracy Anderson's mat workout, and of course Zumba. we're planning to go to Lake Powell this summer, which is going to be the first time I will be in Lake Powell with my hubby. we are excited for being at Lake Powell as a little family!!!

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