

Friday, February 22, 2013

Why we became pregnant....

I decided that I haven't shared too much on here about the reason on why we decided it was our time to start trying to have a baby.

Russell and I were on our honeymoon at the Phoenix Zoo when of course I needed to use the restroom. When I got in line behind these 2 young girls I decided I might as well start chatting with them. I started off by asking them how they were liking the zoo. One of the girls said, "We love it! We're just going to the bathroom right now, and than we'll go see the elephant with our sister Kylie." I was nodding, listening to her talk when she said the name Kylie ... it just HIT ME. I couldn't get the name out of my mind. Kylie.... Kylie... Kylie. My next immediate thought was: Kylie should be the name of our first daughter. How random!?! I had always wanted the name Evelyn, and was pretty dead set on that being the first name of our daughter. When I walked out of the bathroom I had decided not to say anything to Russell on account of being worried that would come off a bit baby hungry. But right when I found Russell and we started walking he turns to me and asks, "So what do you think of the name Kylie for our first daughter?" My jaw dropped... Let's just say the holy ghost is amazing, and always gives us a second witness.

Well now that you've heard the first part of our story let me tell you the rest....

I remembered when we first got married I had a plan. I was not one of the girls that was baby hungry. I was acting hungry, dancing hungry, traveling hungry, and then marriage hungry... but never baby hungry. I thought they were adorable,but never felt any real inclination towards them. So my plan was to wait at least a year and a half to even start "trying" to have kids. In my mind that would make it so that Russell would have only one semester left to go to get his Bachelor's degree finished. Whenever I thought of this "plan" or even articulated it to Russell it just didn't sit right. I ignored that little feeling of uneasiness and instead trusted on my own wisdom to say it was a good plan. After about four months of this I finally turned to Russell one night and said, "I think we are supposed to have a baby sooner that later. I'm actually feeling we should start trying to have a baby...like now." Russell's face just lit up with the biggest smile and he said, "I was waiting for you to say something. I've felt for a while that we're supposed to have a baby but I wanted you to make the decision." Isn't he amazing!?!

So that month we started trying.... and the next month I was PREGNANT. Now a lot of people would say that we were just LUCKY that we got pregnant so easy. But I know different. For whatever reason there is a little spirit from our Heavenly Father that needs to come to us, and right now. I just pray I'm going to be a good Mom to this spirit of our Father's in Heaven.


  1. Thanks for sharing Amber. What a great story! You guys are perfect!

  2. I love how you live by faith Amber. AND you will rock as a mom because of it!

  3. Thank you guys!!!! Honestly thank you for the loving and encouraging words!

  4. What a cool story! Talk about inspiration!

  5. That's so crazy that you both thought of the name Kylie!! I think it's super cute.:) You guys are going to be great parents. I was totally the same as you..I was never ever baby hungry and I wanted to wait at least a year before trying to get pregnant, and then just a few months after we were married the baby hunger hit me. It's crazy how things seem to never go as we plan, but in the end they're always better.

  6. That's one of the biggest lessons in life I'm learning is that Heavenly Father's plans are always the BEST! Funny how you can know that but still struggle turning your will over to him :)
